Powering Data For The New Equity Blockchain.

The first decentralized Marketplace which makes simplifies and standarizes data with blockchain technology. We provides user-friendly, efficient and secure

Raised - 1,450 Tokens
Target - 150,000 Tokens
Soft cap
Hard cap

Token sale end in :

What is ICO Crypto?

Investment Projects
The platform helps investors to make easy to purchase and.
Credit Card Use
The platform helps investors to make easy to purchase and.
The platform helps investors to make easy to purchase and.
Secure Storge
The platform helps investors to make easy to purchase and.
Mobile App
The platform helps investors to make easy to purchase and.
Exchange Service
The platform helps investors to make easy to purchase and.

Why Choose Our Token

Asset 1@3x 1

Mobile payment make easy

You can use a mobile device to pay with simple steps

Mobile payment make easy

You can use a mobile device to pay with simple steps

No transaction free

You can use a mobile device to pay with

No transaction free

You can use a mobile device to pay with

Protect the identity

You can use a mobile device to pay with simple steps

Protect the identity

You can use a mobile device to pay with simple steps

Security & control over money

You can use a mobile device to pay with simple

Security & control over money

You can use a mobile device to pay with simple

Token Allocation & Funds Distribution


Mobile ad Platform


Reward Program


Marketing & General




Team & Advisor


Interconnection Dev


Private/Pre Sale


Operational Overhead


Platform Integration


Public ICO

Token Sale


Feb 8, 2018 (9:00AM GMT)


Feb 8, 2018 (9:00AM GMT)

Acceotable curencles

Feb 8, 2018 (9:00AM GMT)

Token exchange rate

Feb 8, 2018 (9:00AM GMT)

Munber of token for slae

Feb 8, 2018 (9:00AM GMT)

Minimal transection

Feb 8, 2018 (9:00AM GMT)

Token sale end in :

Pre Sale
67% Discount
Oca 16 - Şub 15
50% Discount
Mar 16 - Nis 15
40% Discount
May 16 - Haz 15
20% Discount
Tem 16 - Eyl 15
15% Discount
Eki 16 - Ara 15

APP Mobile

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever.

Transformative technologies

Manage your Wallet

Different devices compatible

Online Buy & Sell

Stay with Friend

Reward & Bonus

Road Map

Mart 2021
  • Concept Generation
  • Team Assemble
  • Concept Generation
  • Team Assemble
Mayıs 2021
Temmuz 2021
  • Concept Generation
  • Team Assemble
  • Concept Generation
  • Team Assemble
Eylül 2021
Kasım 2021
  • Concept Generation
  • Team Assemble
Mart 2021
  • Concept Generation
  • Team Assemble
Mayıs 2021
  • Concept Generation
  • Team Assemble
Temmuz 2021
  • Concept Generation
  • Team Assemble
Eylül 2021
  • Concept Generation
  • Team Assemble
Kasım 2021
  • Concept Generation
  • Team Assemble

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

4140 Parker Rd, New Mexico 31134

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